Capital Market Trading

Recommended goods: commodities outlook recommended.

Package name: Commodity recommended
position is recommended for: Long
Release Date Forecast: 06/06/16
forecast period: 3 months (until the -6.9.16)
Average yield of the algorithm: 9.04%

Recommended goods

The forecast includes:

Forecast for 10 shares marked negative trading trend / positive TOP 10 (cost trend signal highest in the positive / negative)
forecast is updated on a daily money movements. You may wish to make trading decisions based on the most current daily forecast.
For the most updated forecast daily e-mail box

How to read your forecast?

Algorithmic prediction algorithm on the left was produced by the specified date.

Every day our subscribers get the updated forecast. Each forecast includes the recommended stocks and specific opportunities in the short, medium and long term (6 time ranges).

For example, a one-month forecast may include various recommended stocks term forecast of 3 months.

This prediction green dice represent the positive algorithmic predictions, the red cubes represent the algorithmic forecast for recommended stocks short position. Each cube represents a different enumeration, like other map neatly on the basis of that trend, in descending order.

Each cube has two indicators: signal strength of a trend and forecast further details .

The table on the right represents the performance of the algorithm daughter of the forecast period, the return yielded any forecast as well as the overall average yield.